Payout Error Messages
This page gives you an overview of the error messages propagated as part of the payouts stack.
Here is a list of all the Error messages from Initiate Payout API that can be expected when a bad request is performed.
API Error Messages | Meaning |
Transfer amount cannot be less than zero. Enter the correct value. | The correct amount is not entered. Please check the amount and retry |
The provided reference_id has already been used for another transaction. Kindly choose a different value. | Reference ID has already been used, please retry any other reference ID |
Your amount exceeds the maximum amount that can be sent via IMPS. Please note that the amount should be <= INR 500000 per transaction. | Your amount exceeded for IMPS transfer type. Please retry with a different transfer type |
Your amount exceeds the maximum amount that can be sent via NEFT. Please note that the amount should be <= INR 1000000 per transaction. | Your amount exceeded for NEFT transfer type. Please retry with a different transfer type |
Your amount exceeds the maximum amount that can be sent via UPI. Please note that the amount should be <= INR 100000 per transaction. | Your amount exceeded for UPI transfer type. Please retry with a different transfer type |
Your amount did not meet the criteria for the minimum amount to be sent via RTGS. Please note that the amount should be > INR 200000 per transaction | The minimum amount for RTGS is Rs.2,00,000. Please enter a higher amount to initiate the transfer |
Request body is empty/ malformed. Kindly check the payload and retry. | Please check the request payload for any errors |
Since beneficiary details are being passed, ifsc_code is mandatory. | IFSC Code is mandatory, Please retry by passing ifsc code |
Transfer amount is not a parseable positive float value. Enter a correct value | Please enter a valid amount before initiating a transfer |
Request body does not contain the transfer amount. | transfer_amount is mandatory, Please retry by passing transfer_amount |
Provided transfer_type is invalid. Allowed transfer types are NEFT, RTGS, IMPS and UPI | Enter the correct transfer type |
Transfer type cannot be null or empty. Hint: transfer_type (string). | transfer_type is mandatory, Please retry by passing transfer_amount |
Request body does not contain the target account number. | Incorrect to account number |
Transfer type UPI is not allowed for the given source account. | UPI is not enabled for this account. If UPI is required, please contact |
To UPI Address has to be in the NPCI specified format | Invalid UPI ID format. Please follow the format mentioned in the documentation |
Request body does not contain the source account number. | Please check the source account number or the provider secret of the API |
Request body does not contain the purpose message. | Enter the purpose message |
Source account number does not exist. Kindly retry with a valid value. | Please check the provider secret or where the Virtual Account is valid |
Request body does not contain the reference_id. | Enter the reference ID |
Transaction amount (plus applied taxes and commission) is more than the balance available in the source account. | Please add more funds or reduce the amount |
Unsanitized values detected for key(s): purpose_message. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ~ ` ? = + ) ( apostrophe, double quotes and retry | Please check for any special characters passed in the parameters |
IFSC length should be 11 | Please enter the IFSC code as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation |
The provided email address did not pass the validity check. Kindly enter a correct value | Please enter the beneficiary mobile number as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation |
Beneficiary mobile number has to be strictly 10 digits long and start with one of 9, 8, 7 or 6 | Please enter the beneficiary email address as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation |
Transfer amount with precision upto only two decimal places is allowed | Please enter the amount as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation |
Unexpected response received from underlying provider. | There seems to be an issue with the provider, please try again later or contact |
Transfer amount has to be a string | Please pass the amount as string. Ex: "10.00" |
Authentication failed for accessing the module | Please check the secrets passed in the headers |
Module Secret cannot be empty. Hint: module_secret (string) | Please pass the module secrets in the API headers |
Client Secret cannot be empty. Hint: client_secret (string) | Please pass the module secrets in the API headers |
Internal Server Error | There seems to be an issue from accosis, please try again later or contact |
Overall balance for the company is lesser than the amount requested for transfer. | Insufficient funds in your Virtual Account, please add more funds and try again |
Length of payee_name should be between 5 and 255 characters excluding special characters and numbers. | Please pass a value longer than 5 characters excluding special characters and numbers, only alphabets. |
Updated 8 months ago